Friday 10 October 2008

web design

Hello :)

My name is Bertie, I run a web design company called clickcreations, with my husband Ben. We have spent all of our professional lives developing web sites for people from all walks of life. Over the last couple of decades the internet has been born, evolved and grown up! So many things are happening on line these days that were not even dreamed of twenty years ago, and whilst these are very exciting times for technology, it can be a mine field if you want to make sure that you have a web site that is up to date and finely tuned.

Amongst all my ramblings I hope to discuss important issues you'll face when starting up your own web site - or managing a current one, things to take into account, pitfalls to avoid, design do's and don'ts and how to create a successful web site that generate lots of visitors!

Stay tuned for my first article on Search Engine Optimisation coming soon!

wonderful websites from £100 you can edit yourself

1 comment:

oracle said...

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